For our grammar curriculum we are using First Language Lessons For the Well-Trained Mind (Level 1) by Jessie Wise. I like this book a lot. The first half can be done completely verbally, which is good since Builder Boy isn't completely fluent with handwriting. However the problem is that it is mostly verbal when Builder Boy is a kinetic learner. He can memorize the definition of a noun, but couldn't apply the knowledge very well. He could memorize the poem, but had a lot of trouble staying in front of a person and say it without twisting around and looking everywhere but the person he was saying it for. And the family relationships confused him to no end. So here is what I did for lessons 1-10 to make it a kinetic learning experience.
Definition of a noun (Lesson 1)
I didn't think of this until after he already knew the definition, but I spread it out onto 5 large index cards for the boys to put in order. [A noun is the name of] [a person] [place] [thing] [idea]
The Caterpillar poem (Lesson 2)
To help Builder Boy remember the poem and be able to focus when saying it to someone we came up with hand gestures for each of the lines. It really helped.
The Caterpillar, by Chirstina G. Rossetti
Brown and furry,/ Caterpillar in a hurry; wiggle index finger like a caterpillar crawling
Take your walk/ To the shady leaf, or stalk. wiggle index finger going along your other arm with the hand up like a leaf
May the little birds pass by you; wave your hand like the bird going past your body
Spin and die, twirl/spin your finger in the air
To live again a butterfly. cup your hands together to make a cocoon, then open and make a butterfly
Family relationships (Lesson 3, 4, and 6)
Common Noun, Proper Noun (Lesson 7 and 8)
We haven't done a lot about different jobs in the community, so we took some extra time practicing with the game and each day for six days we read about/learned about a different occupation. I found a site with paper dolls where you color a boy or girl to look like you and then you can try different outfits from different jobs on. I think I had to register for the site (free, and they haven't been bothering me with a ton of e-mails) but they are free to print and are black and white. There are actually two types of dolls, a taller one and a shorter one, and I didn't realize that until after I had printed some, but Builder Boy didn't mind. Also when you open the document I didn't realize that some of them are multiple pages and have more than just the one you selected, so print selectively. We did the builder, chef, doctor, police man, fire fighter, and astronaut.
*Click here for my post about the next ten lessons.*
The lessons and the poem we got from FLL1. The original link is to the author's printing press website, the picture is a link to the Amazon listing. I came up with the extra activities on my own. I don't get paid for my reviews.
This is soooo helpful! Thank you!!!