
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Constitution Week with I Love America

I was given I Love America: Teachers Resource Kit by another homeschooling mom who was done with it. I was looking for a simple way to add some American history to our history plan and she very generously offered it to me. It was written for a full classroom but the times I have used it I have had no problem adapting for just one or two kids. My father in law is the one who used it with Builder Boy last year, so this is my first time doing it myself. (I planed it, printed the pages out, and got everything ready and 'Apa taught it when I was at Bible Study Fellowship with Early Bird.) It teaches early American history going with the holiday schedule, so events are out of chronological order. For that reason I made a folder timeline that also holds the coloring pages.

Reading the text of I Love America is where I first learned about Constitution Week. It was set up by Ronald Regan to celebrate the adoption of the United States Constitution and to serve as a time to remember what it stands for.  I Love America has a school week's worth of activities, finishing off with a class parade. We chose to do just some of the activities, but we read the story of Betsy Ross making the first flag, talked about the original colonies (Builder Boy remembered a lot from last year,) talked about the meaning of the colors, talked about the different flags throughout our county's history, the rules concerning the treatment of the flag, and more! There is also a hidden pictures page and a modern flag to color (I helped Early Bird with his.)

October's holiday in I Love America is Columbus Day and we'll be using I Love America to supplement the Holidays Around The Year when the day comes.

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