
Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Christmas Tree is Up!

Every year on the night of November 30th I decorate the Christmas tree and the house so my kids can wake up to Christmas. And every year since we moved to our own place I have decorated with a different color theme with a different "filler" for my tree.

White with Snowflakes
Year 1 was Gold with gold garland.
Year 2 was Red with a large, red ribbon wrapped around the tree.
Year 3 was a deep Blue-Green with gold and silver beaded garland.
Year 4 was Purple (my favorite color) with the "snow" fabric in the branches.
Year 5 was Chartreuse (Builder Boy's favorite color at the time) with giant gold poinsettias placed perfectly.
Year 6 (this year) is White & Silver with coffee filter snowflakes and homemade white ornaments.

I plan ahead and I buy my next color during the clearance sales after the current Christmas. Unfortunately, I didn't get enough white balls last year, so I had to supplement with silver, instead of having an all white theme like I wanted.

I found a cool article through Pinterest (here's the Pin) about how to take "glowing" pictures of your Christmas tree. My camera is pretty basic, but I discovered some options/settings that I didn't even know were there. My pictures might not be as "glowing" as hers, but they look better than past years' pictures.

I finally got a new, pre-lit tree, but I found these cool tree-lighting tips on Pinterest for those who might be interested.

Here is my post on the coffee filter snowflakes.