
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Feasting By the Nile River

Flooding the Nile

We spent today living on the Nile River. Principal Daddy had today off so he helped set up the pool and Builder Boy "flooded" it. This was the first time this year getting the pool out (wasps that like to hang out near our front grass area and the neighbors not picking up their puppy's poop equals no pool out front where the grass is) and the boys had a lot of fun. Builder Boy had requested a feast to eat near the "river" so I had Principal Daddy pick up some dates at the store and Builder Boy helped me make Pocket/Pita Bread. It wasn't perfect, or even completly authentic, but the boys loved it. This was their first time having dates, and they loved those, too. There is enough leftover bread that we're having it for dinner. I discovered some dried garbanzo beans that I had forgotten about and I am going to attempt to make hummus. I don't have tahini (I hadn't even heard of it before today) so we'll see how it turns out. If it's any good I'll post what I did on the Pocket/Pita Bread post. (ETA: nope, not something you want the recipe for.)
This was the first time Builder Boy had ever seen me use yeast, so that was a learning experience for him. He mentioned that his Nana and 'Apa have a machine for making pizza dough, and thought we should have one, too. That sparked a good discussion about the technology of ancient Egypt and what we have that they didn't have.

I'm tying in science this week with history by studding with Builder Boy desert habitats and animals.

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