
Friday, August 17, 2012

Builder Boy's Zoo Mural (Finished!)

Well, it's taken us two months, but it's done! Builder Boy's zoo mural is done! (Previous post about starting it and why here.) It was definitely worth it. Having the incentive of adding an animal to his zoo was perfect for Builder Boy. It got him excited about coloring and finishing a page. It became something he wanted to do, not something he had to do. At first he put the pictures up at ramdom (or at least it seemed random to me) and then he started putting the animals together in groups (birds together, animals with water together, animals with trees together.)

The last two pictures were a struggle for him to finish. They were a jaguar and a peacock, with lots of little dot areas as well as the over all areas. Some of the dots he colored, some he just colored the whole thing (he colored the jaguar's tail all blue.)

The real test will be to offer him a regular coloring book and see if he will color in it or not.

The book also came with a completion certificate, which made his day.

My Book of Coloring: At the Zoo      

(I did not get paid for this review. All opinions are my own.)

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