
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Homeschooling with Depression

I've seen the question posed before on homeschooling forums: is it possible to homeschool when you're dealing with depression? I do, and here's how.

First, we homeschool year round. There are a lot of good reasons to homeschool year round. When you've dealing with depression that comes and goes, the flexibility to take breaks when you really need it is essential. That way you don't have to deal with crippling guilt worrying your children are getting behind.

Second, having a routine helps get us through the mild days. It really helps that the kids don't get to play on the computer until we have finished some school. So they are wonderful little motivators, begging and nagging to start school.

Third, doing only the basics: language arts and math. Art, music, history, and science can be pushed off in the lower grades when it's just too overwhelming to do much.

Fourth, media back-ups. Science and history kid shows. If they remember stuff from it, it counts as school. And online programs like Khan Academy, Dreambox Math, Time4Learning, Reading Eggs, Starfall. Let them do the teaching for you for while; It counts. And the kids have fun doing it.

Fifth, be kind to yourself, get support, and get help if you haven't already.

I've also seen the question, how do you blog when you have depression?

If you're a follower then you know the answer is: unless you write ahead and schedule posts.....then you don't blog.

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