
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

And in other blogger news:

My online friend has started blogging a bit more regularly, so I'd like to promote her blog, Not A Stepford Life. She is homeschooling her 5 kids and she is so much better at being funny than I am (and always wanted to be.) Her recent post over at Sandbox to Socrates, The Secret of Homeschooling, got promoted by Classical Academy Press on facebook! And this new internet celebrity is going to be guest posting here soon.

In other Sandbox to Socrates news, Where Is This Rest, And Where Can I Find It? is also getting a ton of view and I think helping a lot of moms.

And if you're not already a regular reader, Dusty has 10 days of giveaways over at To The Moon and Back that is halfway through. So check them out before they're over!

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