
Monday, October 7, 2013

First Day of School!

Once again staring a school year needing haircuts....

Finally! We were supposed to start on the first of October but with the teacher and the students being sick and tired that just wasn't going to happen. We're still recovering but we've got to start sometime so today was the day! We're only doing handwriting, math, reading, and a Knights Unit Study for the first week, but it's a start. Our first 6 weeks are going to be a bit irregular before we really settle in to what I want us to do this year. But it's nice to start. It will be a bit of a learning curve to see how it goes with Lady Bugs lack of a consistent schedule; hopefully the boys will be accommodating.

Today I started 30 minutes later than I intended to. But we got handwriting and math done and time for a break before lunch, which was the goal. I'm not formally teaching Early Bird handwriting yet (though he keeps asking too and I'm thinking of some pre-writing ideas) so I let him just trace letters in a cheap workbook I picked up ages ago. Builder Boy's handwriting has lapsed horribly since we haven't done any formal writing for almost a year. I know the Zaner-Bloser book is up to the task; I just hope my patience is. For math I am letting Builder Boy work with Dreambox (review coming soon) right now while I use Right Start A with Early Bird.

After lunch we continued where we left off of in The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading. The lesson we're on is review for both boys, but I don't want any gaps so we're going to do each lesson until we're finished with the book. Then I sent them outside to play for a while. After that we did day one of our Knights Unit Study. (I'll post all the information for that on Thursday or Friday.) By the end of sharing reading everyone needed a rest time and it was mid-afternoon.

And that was it for today. We'll work on a similar schedule this week and then change it around a bit next week until we find out what works. This week is also Fire Prevention Week, so I have to figure out how to fit that in, too.

Here we go again!

The link for The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading is for the author's publishing house's website. The picture is an affiliate link to the listing of the book. All other links are to the companies' websites and are not affiliated.

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