
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

My sister and I got to be pregnant at the same time for 5 months. This was her first pregnancy, this will be my last. I got a beautiful new niece the other day and I am so happy for my sister and brother in law. They're going to be great parents. My sister a few months back recommended the movie What To Expect When You're Expecting. For those of you who haven't heard of it, it follows the pregnancies of four different women and the adoption process of another. It shows many of the different aspects of pregnancy, different ways different women's bodies respond to pregnancy and delivery. But it's not a documentary, it's a romantic comedy with plenty of funny stuff for dads as well (the Dude's Group was awesome, but you're not suppose to talk about what happens at Dude's Group....) It's not the kind of movie I usually watch, so I put it off. But it showed up on Netflix Instant, so I watched it last weekend. And I liked it so much I watched it again with Principal Daddy that night (he liked it, too.)

Warning: if you are pregnant or a mom you WILL at some point probably tear up. The movie is probably funnier if you've already been through the process once before, funny if you're currently pregnant, but you might not get it if you've never been there-done that. I consider this to be an adult movie. There is some swearing and mention of intimate body parts. There is the suggestion of how these couples get pregnant, but they do not show anything unsavory. Not all of the couple are married at the time of conception. But I still recommend it if you're pregnant. I will warn sensitive viewers: they do show pregnancy and delivery going wrong as well as right.

*General Spoiler Alert*

I wanted to share one of the moments that made me tear up, hopefully without spoiling the movie. One of the moms-to-be is in labor and she's not progressing well and the baby's heartbeat starts dropping and the doctor tells her they need to preform an emergency c-section. The mom keeps saying "but I have a birth plan; I want to push! The birth plan is typed! Please, I want to push, I want to try to push."  Oh man, I'm tearing up just typing that! I know exactly how that feels. That was me with Builder Boy. Having to have a c-section to save both our lives (I developed HELLPs) I still felt like a cop-out. Like I was denied a right of motherhood; like I couldn't consider myself a true mom without going through the natural delivery process. I had to have an emergency c-section with Early Bird, even though I had wanted to attempt a vbac. But now, after two c-sections, my husband, doctor, and I are not willing to risk a vaginal birth after 2 c-sections. So that's something I'll never get to do. I know now that that doesn't make me any less of a mother. If there's a mom out there reading this that doesn't know that yet: have a c-section does NOT make you less of a mother.

So Happy Mother's Day out there to all the Moms, no matter how you became a mother (and that includes the adoptive moms, too!)

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